It is nice that sometimes you got an opportunity to spend time with your family. It is almonst December and it is a good time spending some money I saved and portion of what I earned from my tradings this year (mainly due to discounts).
I really thought that I'll be negative this year as I lost some profit during the early months of this year. Fortunately, I was saved by JGS. I bought JGS around 18 and sold them at 25! Now I got myself an IPad and a little profit to make me smile for the rest of e year (possibly).
SM is in a 3 day sale until 29 of November. There are lots of discounted items to choose from. I am thinking of buying some Polo shirts but hasn't really made my mind yet. Maybe I still not in a Holiday mood. Maybe my tracings taught me a lesson to think twice before buying things. If it is not a necessity then it can wait until I have excess money. It is like asking yourself - 'do you just like it or you really needed it?'. I think for now, I just like buying which is not a good reason to throw away hard earned money.
As Americans are celebrating Black Friday, I think it will be s good reason for retailers to celebrate. It will be an additional profit for them. I know, investors of those companies are celebrating now. So, do you think SM and URC would be a good buy?